2 года

Я Бейрут

99 59%
Над треком работали
Дмитрий Ушаков
Автор музыки
Ирина Секержицкая
Автор текста
Вера Журди
Ирина Секержицкая

Beirut does not fall in love at first sight,
All secrets are under lock and they are protected from strangers, aliens.
The oriental night with the scent of nutmeg beckons with the gaze of the witch’s eyes to follow.
You’re sneaking after it, as if losing your mind,
You walk along the sea path on your toes under the moon.
The front door opens slowly,
And you are fully aware that the city is with you forever!

Beirut is my love,
... my beauty,
... the light and peace,
... love and tender,
... my mother and father,
... daughter and son,
... night and evening,
... the sun and the moon.

The city is a big madcap in colorful clothes,
An ancient elder, with the smiling lips of a baby.
Heavy rains lash his face, and the heat dries his hopes...
He hides his wounds under the glare of the shop windows, looking into the distance.
And the winds of change have forgotten the way to Beirut.
The city has been waiting for them for a long time, calling for the help of the saints.
There are so many of them on ancient land, they will probably help the country
To regain the strength of its former years!